
Friday, September 23, 2011

dogs ♥

My bf said that I'm so freak of Chihuahua, in my bf boarding house @Lippo Karawaci, i found a home with a 6 Chihuahua!! You know whaattt?!! I will always said to my bf (when I came to Lippo Karawaci) to stop at that house, because i love to see them barking at me. I don't know why when I see them, feels so happy (with an extra wide smile) even thought I can't touch them :(

cute :*

I wish I could have one of mini Chihuahua, my mom don't wanna bought it for me (poor me). My mom said that Chihuahua has an ugly face and not worth to buy, because they are tiny but the price is high. I have a dream, when I'm marriage, my husband have to buy me at least one baby mini Chihuahua :p

Actually I love dogs, but several types like a cute dogs (tsitsu, golden retriever, chowchow, etc who has a cute face) not a horror dogs (siberian husky, labrador, pitbull, herder, etc who has a scary face like wanna eat people).

me with somebody's chihuahua (meet @pet's clinic)
me and my aunt's friend dog, angel (pom)
me and my dog, boss (golden)
it was my bf's dog, blavsky (tekel)
my bf's dog, no name (golden)
my bf sister's dog, mochi (mongrel)
me with my friend's dog, rocky (husky mixed kintamani)

I love to see and play with them :) my bf has 3 dogs in his house and more than 2 dogs in storage. I had a dog too, named boss (you can see his photos up there) but now my family decided give boss to my another aunt. Boss scared many maid who was worked with me, nobody want to work in my house :( I really miss boss, I met him 4 to 6 months a once.

scary one - my bf's dog, pepsy (herder mix)

notes : we have to love animals either we hate them, because they are same with us (have the right to life and loved). God loves all His creation :)

see you next :)


  1. eyy thank you for following :*
    well, the more you like cihuahua the more you looks similar like cihuahua. CUTE! hihihhi
    rajin posting dong nek. biar eik ada temen.

    lotta love,

  2. mmm, gak papa sih kalo dibilang mirip chihuahua ato orang utan sekalipun :D
    yaa yaa, i'll try to post day by day as i can ;p (not promise) cuma awal-awal aja nih getol, tar lo rasain lama-lama jg yaa terlalu hihihi.

